Writings and Speeches

Presidential Archive

An archive of Former President Salovey’s speeches, major university statements, Yale Talk podcasts, and past editions of Notes from Woodbridge Hall (2013-2019) can be found below.


The former president’s major speeches, including each year’s opening address and baccalaureate remarks, are archived here.


This page includes a listing of major messages to the Yale community from Former President Salovey together with other university administrators.

Yale Talk: Conversations with President Peter Salovey

Yale Talk was a podcast hosted by Former President Salovey, sharing news from campus or conversing with faculty, students, staff, or alumni.

Yale Alumni Magazine Articles

View an archive of writings by Former President Salovey for the Yale Alumni Magazine, published six times a year.

Women of Yale Lectures (2016-2020)

Hosted by Former President Peter Salovey, the Women of Yale Lecture Series showcased the accomplishments of women who graduated from the university—particularly women of color—and whose leadership reflects on the success of coeducation at Yale.

Notes from Woodbridge Hall (2013-2019)

In these messages to the extended Yale community, Former President Salovey shared his thoughts on campus events, alumni activities, and more.