Statement from Yale President Peter Salovey Regarding the Ebola Virus II
October 16, 2014
I am relieved that Yale-New Haven Hospital has reported that the doctoral student we told you about this morning has tested negative for the Ebola virus. Nonetheless, this student and the other doctoral student who traveled to Liberia will be quarantined for 21 days from their return, as required by the State of Connecticut.
I want to offer my continuing gratitude to everyone at Yale, Yale-New Haven Hospital, and the city, state, and federal governments who have had a role in caring for these students in recent days. Ebola remains a serious concern for all of us. We will continue to provide information to you as we receive it from emergency management, health professionals, and government health agencies. I join with all of the Yale community in the fervent hope that more good news will be forthcoming.
Statement from Yale President Peter Salovey Regarding the Ebola Virus II