Hosting a National Science Foundation REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) site in New Haven to analyze and document the highly endangered Ngalia language of Australia's Western Desert region | Photograph submitted by Claire Bowern, associate professor, Department of Linguistics
Exploring the exotic geological phenomena—including glaciers, volcanoes, and geothermal hot springs—of Iceland's "ring road" | Photograph submitted by David Stevens, Yale College Class of 2019 (BK)
Visiting the United States Department of Defense during a 13-week internship with the US-Asia Institute in Washington, D.C. | Photograph submitted by Dustin Vesey, Yale College Class of 2017 (JE)
Meeting fellow members of the incoming Yale College Class of 2019 during a post-graduation Major League Soccer road trip—clockwise from top left: Garrett Bingham MC'19 at Rio Tinto Stadium in Sandy, Utah; Minh Nguyen ES'19 at Providence Park in Portland, Oregon; Amy Nichols SY'19 at CenturyLink Stadium in Seattle, Washington; Nicolas Wicaksono SM'19 at BC Place in Vancouver, British Columbia | Collage of photographs submitted by Garrett Bingham
With Steve Pitti, master of Ezra Stiles College and professor of History and American studies, during an internship in baseball operations with the Seattle Mariners | Photograph submitted by Grant Bronsdon, Yale College Class of 2016 (ES)
With an Association of Yale Alumni travel group on the Camino de Santiago in Leon, Spain | Photograph submitted by Harold W. Attridge, Sterling Professor of Divinity and professor of religious studies and classics
At the Temple of Delphi in Greece, consulting the oracle about potential majors at Yale! | Photograph submitted by Jackson Willis, Yale College Class of 2019 (BK)
On a camping trip while serving as scout master for New Haven’s Boy Scout Troop 4288 | Photograph submitted by Kelly Edwards, senior administrative assistant, Office of the Dean, Yale School of Public Health
At China's Great Wall, during an IARU Sustainability Fellowship at Peking University in Beijing | Photograph submitted by Paige Curtis, Yale College Class of 2016 (PC)
In music camp at the Walden School in Dublin, New Hampshire (where Martin Bresnick, professor of music, was composer in residence this summer), composing a work to accompany the series of drawings pictured | Photograph submitted by Philip Foster, 1974 Ph.D. (Art History)
Interning as an app developer at SpaceX (a rocket company founded by Elon Musk, Yale Hon.D.Eng./Tech. 2015), helping to "build the software that builds the rockets" | Photograph submitted by Sahil Gupta, Yale College Class of 2017 (SY)
Fourth of July weekend in the historic seaside "old town" of Marblehead, Massachusetts | Photograph submitted by Scott Francis, senior manager, Yale Animal Resources Center
Conducting an all-Bernstein program with the Bilkent Symphony Orchestra in Ankara, Turkey, with Joseph Alessi of the New York Philharmonic as a soloist | Photograph submitted by Toshiyuki Shimada, director, Yale Symphony Orchestra
August 17, 2015
In his July 6, 2015, Notes from Woodbridge Hall, President Salovey invited readers to share details on their “summer sojourns.” The photographs in this slide show were submitted by alumni, faculty, staff, and students from across the university community.